
Thursday Mar 17, 2022
Thursday Mar 17, 2022
Embark on a journey through the evolution of board games (with guest appearances from Oreos). Where did board gaming begin and what mysteries are left to be solved? How did we get to where we are today?In Part I, we explore games from early civilizations, including Senet, the Royal Game of Ur, Patolli, and Go. The journey of 5000 years begins with the first roll of the dice.Today's Topics:Agricultural Revolution 1:25Senet: 4:45Royal Game of Ur: 12:25Patolli: 17:17Go: 20:38Mancala (Oware): 24:06Pachisi: 27:23Tic-Tac-Toe: 28:05YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpNqwAiQpSxCeGVAUosYfPwInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/boardgamedojo/Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheBGDojoSources: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UJLz5-3YuS7lZjjL6UlAIFmkUc0l7FE1/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=108667646153823100203&rtpof=true&sd=trueIntro/Outro Song is Warrior by Yoitrax. To support the artist, please visit https://soundcloud.com/yoitraxLicense bought and paid for by the BoardGameDojo through BreakingCopyright.